About Fran

Fran has always loved music. She taught herself to play guitar at the age of 12 and soon formed a folk group that lasted through high school. In college, she continued singing folk music at local coffee houses, while majoring in Speech and Hearing Therapy at Boston University.

Fran put her music career on hold to attend graduate school and complete a Ph.D. in Audiology and postdoctorate in Neuropsychology. In all, Fran worked as a clinical audiologist for 25 years.

Music continued to be part of her life, but after having her own children, Fran’s interest shifted from folk to children’s music. She started working with and performing for children and found that she could help them feel good about themselves and respectful of others through music. This was so rewarding, she became a musician for children full-time. “Music is a great vehicle to help children enhance their self-esteem and respect for others, while having fun,” says Fran. She performs interactive concerts at schools, libraries, festivals, and children’s parties, as well as on radio and television. For more information about Fran's concerts and fun-filled parties, please click here.

Fran is a highly regarded keynote speaker at national conferences and provides workshops for elementary and early childhood educators, librarians, caregivers, and parents. Her presentations include: Music and Movement for Babies and Toddlers, Promoting Self-Esteem and Kindness Through Music, Great Songs for Young Children and the Developmental Reasons Behind Them, and Identification and Remediation of Hearing Loss in Young Children, to name a few. For more information on Fran's workshops, please click here.

Fran is very happily married. She has two wonderful children, both of whom sang on her CDs. Fran loves playing guitar, ukulele, and pickleball. She also enjoys teaching in schools' disability awareness programs, where children enhance their awareness and acceptance of people with physical and emotional differences.

Parents' Choice Gold Award Winner